PSA International (PSA) has established itself as the strategic partner of Fuzhou Port Group (FPG) with the acquisition of a stake in Fujian Jiangyin International Container Terminal (FJCT) in the Port of Fuzhou, China.
PSA is now the second biggest shareholder in FJCT after FPG.
With this latest joint venture, PSA and FPG now operate a total of eight berths in the Port of Fuzhou at the three terminals of FQCT, FICT and FJCT.
“I thank Fuzhou Port Group for giving PSA this opportunity to strengthen our 15-year-old relationship by making PSA its long-term partner of choice in FJCT,” commented PSA Group CEO, Tan Chong Meng.
“We are committed to draw on the extensive resources of the PSA Group to help make the Fuzhou Port a major success.”
FJCT is equipped with 667 metres of quay length, three Super post-Panamax quay cranes and a berth depth of 17.5 metres. The box facility is capable of handling the mega container vessels plying the world’s maritime trade routes today.
“PSA and Fuzhou Port Group recognise the tremendous potential of the Fuzhou Port as a major container hub port to support the further development of industries and hinterland investments in south-eastern and western China,” added PSA’s regional CEO for Northeast Asia, Ong Kim Pong.
“We will continue to create value and help transform Fuzhou into the regional port of call in the Fujian Straits.”