pt. I. Foundations of criminal justice -- 1. Crime, law and criminal justice -- Stages of the criminal justice system -- Discretion and ethics in the criminal justice system -- Careers in criminal justice -- The wedding cake model of justice -- The crime control model -- The due process model -- The influence of the media on the criminal justice system -- Crime, law, and justice from a global perspective -- The CSI effect -- Reality TV -- The media and perception of crime rates -- Influencing public policy -- Spotlight : the State v. Jodi Arias -- Is justice served by our criminal justice system? -- Does mental illness cause crime? -- 2. Concepts of law and justice -- Types of law -- Civil cases -- Criminal cases -- Criminal laws -- sources of law -- Constitutional law -- Statutory law -- Administrative law -- Spotlight : concealed weapons on college campuses -- Case law -- Criminal law -- Around the world : international law -- Criminal defenses -- Innocence -- Necessity, duress, and entrapment -- Careers in criminal justice : defense attorney -- Self-defense -- Intoxication -- Insanity -- The M'Naghten Rule -- The irresistible impulse test -- gutty but mentally ill -- Should marijuana be legalized? -- Should Miranda warnings be abolished? -- 3. Defining and measuring crime -- Defining crime -- Violent offenses -- Murder -- Sexual assault -- Assault -- Robbery -- Spotlight : the Steubenville High School rape case -- -- Property offenses -- Status offenses -- victimless crimes -- White-collar offenses -- Spotlight : the Boston Marathon bombing -- Crimes against the government -- Uniform Crime Reports -- Data collected -- Rates of crime -- Data on offenders -- Limitations of the UCR -- Careers in criminal justice : research analyst -- National Incident-based Reporting System (MIBRS) -- Around the world : international crime data -- Self-reported offending datasets -- Is white-collar crime harmful to society? -- Is burglary a violent crime? -- 4. Explanations of criminal behavior -- What is a theory of crime? -- Classical theories of Crime -- Cesare Beccaria -- Jeremy Bentham -- Biological and psychological theories of crime -- Cesare Lombroso -- William Ferrero -- Careers in criminal justice : criminologist -- Sigmund Freud -- Contemporary biological and psychological theories of crime -- Jean Piaget -- Lawrence Kohlberg -- Biosocial theories -- Social disorganization theory -- Spotlight : Flint, Michigan and social disorganization theory -- Anomie and strain theories of crime -- Differential association theory -- Labeling theory -- social learning theory -- Social bond theory -- Control theory -- Around the world : criminological theory in a global context -- Life course theory -- Feminist criminology -- Feminist pathways -- Is there a relationship between race and class and criminal behavior? -- Should the criminal justice system treat female offenders differently? -- 5. Victims and the criminal justice system -- Victims and crime -- Theories of victimization -- Victimology -- Routine activities and lifestyle theories -- Careers in criminal justice : victim advocate -- History of victims' rights -- Victims in the criminal justice system -- Spotlight : politics and victims' rights, the Violence Against Women Act -- Unreported crimes -- Around the world ; criminal victimization in a global context -- Should colleges and universities respond to campus sexual assault? -- Is restorative justice and effective tool for victims? -- 6. Criminal justice policy -- What is policy? -- Why do we need criminal justice policies? -- How do criminal justice policies develop? -- Direct democracy -- Cost-saving measures -- Politics and criminal justice policy -- Spotlight : Stand-Your-Ground policy -- Presidential politics and criminal justice policies -- Congress and criminal justice policies -- Public perception and criminal justice policies -- Around the world : drug policy in the Netherlands -- Research and criminal justice policies -- Careers in criminal justice : policy advocate -- Are laws requiring sex offender registries effective? -- Is street-level bureaucracy a good thing?
pt. II. Policing -- 7. Policing organizations and practices -- A brief history of policing -- The Political Era -- Reform Era -- Community Problem-Solving Era -- Types of police organizations -- Federal law enforcement -- Careers in criminal justice : police officer -- Department of Justice -- Department of Homeland Security -- State law enforcement -- Local law enforcement -- Spotlight : cross-deputizing officers -- Special law enforcement agencies -- Women in policing -- Racial and ethnic diversity in policing -- Diverse police force -- Police roles -- Strategies and tactics of policing -- Random versus directed patrols -- Order maintenance policing -- Community policing -- Problem-oriented policing -- Around the world : community policing in action -- Predictive policing -- Is CompStat a good policing strategy? -- Do mandatory arrest policies help victims of domestic and intimate partner violence? -- 8. Issues in policing -- Policing and the law -- Search and seizure -- Warrantless searches -- The Miranda warning -- Careers in criminal justice : criminal investigator -- Ethical dilemmas and corruption -- Spotlight : DNA collection -- Discretion -- Duty-- Honesty -- Corruption -- Racial profiling -- Around th world : policing in the Middle East -- Use of force -- Spotlight : Kelly Thomas and the Fullerton Police Department -- Police legitimacy -- Police occupational stress -- Should police agencies require officers to wear body cameras? -- Does police discretion help or harm our criminal justice system? -- pt. III. Courts -- 9. Courts and crime -- Criminal versus civil courts -- Jurisdiction and the courts system -- Geographical jurisdiction -- Concurrent jurisdiction -- Subject matter jurisdiction -- Appellate jurisdiction -- Structure of the courts -- The Federal Court System -- Magistrate courts -- District courts -- Appeals courts -- Supreme court -- Women and minorities on the Supreme Court -- The State Court System -- Judicial selection -- State appellate courts -- Courtroom participants and their duties -- Ancillary members-- Judges -- Prosecutors -- Ethical challenges for prosecutors -- Careers in criminal justice : prosecutor -- Defense attorneys -- Spotlight : the 50th anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright -- Juries -- Grand juries -- Trial juries-- Around the world : juries in a global context -- Stages of a criminal court case -- Pretrial -- Arraignment -- Trial -- Should physical evidence be required in serious criminal cases? -- Should we limit the use of plea bargains? -- 10. Punishment and sentencing -- Correction philosophies -- Deterrence -- Deterrence and the death penalty -- Rehabilitation -- Incapacitation -- Retribution -- Careers in criminal justice : drug and alcohol counselor -- Restoration -- Determinate sentencing -- Sentencing guidelines -- Indeterminate sentencing -- Mandatory sentences -- Around the world : criminal sentencing in China -- Capital punishment -- Methods of execution under the 8th Amendment -- Firing squad -- Hanging -- Electrocution -- Lethal gas -- Lethal injection -- Do habitual sentencing laws deter offenders? -- Is the risk of executing innocent people acceptably low?
pt. IV. Corrections -- 11. Prisons and jails -- The Pennsylvania System -- The New York System -- The Reformatory Era -- The Punishment Era -- Jail inmates -- Jail challenges -- State prisons -- Around the world : prisons in Russia -- Federal prisons -- Private prisons -- Military prisons -- Prison security levels -- Issues in incarceration -- Racial disproportionality -- Overcrowding -- Prison misconduct -- Prison gangs -- Sexual misconduct -- Legal rights of prisoners -- Spotlight : the incarceration of the mentally ill -- Careers in criminal justice : correctional officer -- Should we use supermax prisons to control offenders? -- Is segregating prison populations a good policy? -- 12. Community corrections -- Pretrial release -- Bail -- Release on own recognizance -- Diversion -- Juvenile programs -- Specialized courts -- Probation -- Recidivism -- Intermediate sanctions -- Around the world : probation in Italy -- House arrest and electronic monitoring -- Day-reporting centers and work/study release programs -- Halfway houses -- Parole -- Careers in criminal justice : probation or parole officer -- Issues in reentry -- Employment challenges -- Disenfranchisement -- Drug addiction -- Access to health care -- Access to resources -- Should we use risk/needs assessments to identify offender needs? -- Is parole an effective correctional strategy? -- pt. V. Special topics in criminal justice -- 13. Juvenile justice -- History of the Juvenile Justice System -- Structure of the juvenile court -- Delinquency cases -- Careers in criminal justice : so you want to work in juvenile justice? -- Dependency cases -- Juvenile justice process -- Intake -- Processing -- Adjudication -- Around the world : juvenile justice in Japan -- Demographics of juvenile offenders -- Issues in juvenile justice -- Juvenile waiver- -- Juvenile sentencing -- Juvenile confinement -- Spotlight : the D.C. snipers -- Have zero-tolerance policies made schools safer? -- Should the juvenile court be abolished? -- 14. Emerging issues for the 21st century -- Terrorism -- Spotlight : cyberterrorism -- Homeland Security -- Responses to terrorism before 9/11 -- Around the world : terrorism in Indonesia -- Responses to terrorism after 9/11 -- The USA PATRIOT Act -- Drones and the law -- Drone concerns -- Border control -- Immigration -- Careers in criminal justice : interpreter -- Transnational crime -- Human trafficking -- Organized crime -- Drug and arms trafficking -- Should enemy combatants be denied due process rights? Does immigration impact crime?
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