Chemical Process Safety : Fundamentals with Applications

Process safety has seen a dramatic consolidation of concepts in the past few years. Chemical Process Safety, Fourth Edition, provides students and working engineers with the understanding necessary to apply these new concepts to safely design and operate any process.

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Об авторе (2019)

Daniel A. Crowl is the Herbert H. Dow Professor for Chemical Process Safety at Michigan Technological University. Professor Crowl received his B.S. in fuel science from Pennsylvania State University and his M.S. and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois. He is coauthor of the textbook Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications, published by Pearson. He is also author/editor of several AIChE books on process safety and editor of the safety section in the eighth edition of Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook. Professor Crowl has won numerous awards, including the Bill Doyle award from AIChE, the Chemical Health and Safety Award from ACS, the Walton/Miller award from the Safety and Health Division of AIChE, and the Gary Leach Award from the AIChE Board. Professor Crowl is a Fellow of AIChE, ACS Safety and Health Division, and CCPS.

Joseph F. Louvar has a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in chemical engineering. He is currently a professor at Wayne State University after having retired from the BASF Corporation. While working at the BASF Corporation, he was a director of BASF’s chemical engineering department; his responsibilities included the production of specialty chemicals, and he managed the implementation and maintenance of five processes that handled highly hazardous chemicals that were covered by Process Safety Management. As a professor at Wayne State University, he teaches chemical process safety, risk assessment, and process design. Professor Louvar is the author of many safety-related publications and the coauthor of two books, Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications and Health and Environmental Risk Analysis: Fundamentals with Applications, both published by Pearson. Professor Louvar has been the chair of the Loss Prevention Committee and the Safety and Health Division. He is the CCPS staff consultant for the Undergraduate Education Committee, commonly known as the Safety and Chemical Engineering Education Committee (SAChE), and he is the coeditor of AIChE’s journal for process safety, Process Safety Progress.

Библиографические данные

Название Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications
International Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences
Авторы Daniel A. Crowl , Joseph F. Louvar
Издание: 4
Издатель Prentice Hall, 2019
ISBN 0134857844, 9780134857848
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 656
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan